PIZZINI S.A. feels committed to the society it belongs to and is therefore taking several actions rooted in the community.
Our company receives the most varied requests for help, especially from education communities whose basic needs are not met.
A variety of school products made by us are delivered periodically, especially to schools in the border area.
Special attention is also paid to professional training of plastic arts and drawing teachers. Some of the courses given are:
* "Pre- Columbian aesthectics and its simbology (Method and implementation in plastic arts)”. This is a tailored-made course for plastic arts teachers.
* "Orthogonal cylindrical projections, axonometry and perspective" for teachers of Technical Drawing.
hese are theoretical and practical courses which highly satisfy the audience.
Didactic talks are given weekly in technical colleges and faculties of architecture and design. Then arises the already recognized "Stimulus Prize". Organized by each institution with the awards provided by the Company.